Time to share!

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Has anyone got stories of tracing their Northern Irish ancestors and where and how they lived that they would like to share? If you’ve used the Great Parchment Book or related sources to find out more about 17th century Northern Irish people and places, we would be delighted to hear from you. While many of us are at home more than usual, and perhaps looking for things to occupy our minds, this seems an ideal opportunity to share our research with others and maybe help them along the way too. You can either comment directly on existing posts or send us an email via the link on the site or to ask.lma@cityoflondon.gov.uk and we can share your stories via the Great Parchment Book blog.

Colin Salter has previously shared his research about his ancestor, Paul Brasier who first brought the Brasier family to Ireland and was involved in the building of a riverside wharf in Coleraine.

And you can read the story of another settler, George Canning, the Ironmongers’ Company’s first agent here.

There must be lots of other stories out there about people and places in the Great Parchment Book – if you have one, please let us know!

And it you want help with tracking down online resources, we’ve got lots of articles and links to help you find your way around on the Great Parchment Book website. For example, have you checked out PRONI’s guides? Or do you know about other records online such as the 1641 Depositions – witness testimonies, mainly by Protestants, but also by some Catholics, from all social backgrounds, concerning their experiences of the 1641 Irish rebellion?

And finally, if you are not already a subscriber, please do consider subscribing to the blog, so you can keep up to date.


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