Native Lands
Folio Q10r (change)

[...]ers and fferdora O Cahan beforenamed are contained save only that the said Shane O Mullan Donnachie O Mullan and Mary O Mullan are not by this agreement tied or bound to build a howse as the said fferdora is to doe [...] within [...] yeares next com[m]ing to repaire the house [...] and make a loft and Chimneys after [...] and further it is hereby declared and [...] after the premisses are conveyed by [...] in pursuance of this agreement [...] stated assured and conveyed by the said Shane O Mullan , Donnaghy O Mullan and Mary O Mullan [...] Survivors or Survivo[rs] of them or the heires of [...] them according to the true intent and [...] the last will and testament of the said Owen [...] Oge O Mullan , bearing date the seaven and [...] day of September 1638 In Wittnes whereof the said commissioners and the said Shane O Mullan Donnachie O Mullan and Mary O Mullan have putt to their hands the day and year abovewritten:
Ralph Whitfeld Thomas ffotherley 1639 Shan O Mullan The m[ar]ke of Donnaghy O Mullan . The m[ar]ke of Mary O Mullan .
The [...]th day of August the aforesaid Com[m]iss ioners for and on his Majesty’s behalfe by vertue of the said Com[m]ission and Hugh Thompson one of the Aldermen of the late Cittie of Londonderry do conclude and agree that the said Hugh Thompson his heires and successors shall have and hold forever All those two Townelands commonly called or known by the name of the two Gortagerties [...] or by whatsoever other name or names the same or any of them be called or known and all houses edifices [and] buildings thereup[p]on all which premisses [...] called Ballishaskyn and [...] late p[ar]cell [...] of Manus O Cahan Esq uire deceased and [...] p[ar]ish of ffaughanvale within the late County of Londonderry [...]or late Mannor of Grocers in the [...] And allso all waies and passages to the aforesaid p[re]misses or any part thereof belonginge or therew[i]th enioyed The same premises to be holden of his Ma[ies]ty his heires and Successors as of such manor as his Majesty shall erect, create or make of or within the aforesaid Proportion called the Grocers proporc[i]on with and under such and the like exceptions and for and under the yearly rent of ffifty three shillings and four pence sterling paiable in such manner and att such da ys and times and suit at court and mill in the said proporc[i]on and with upon and under the like further Reservac[i]ons liberties powers tenures services covenants and agreem[en]ts as in the aforesaid agreement made by the said commissioners and Tristram Beresford the younger esquire beforenamed are conteined In Wittnes whereof the said Com missioners and the said Hugh Thompson have putt to their hands the day and year abovewritten:
Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 Hugh Thompson
liii s. iiii d. One House One Muskett
[…]ers and Ferdora O’Cahan beforenamed are contained, save only that the said Shane O’Mullan, Donnachie O’Mullan, and Mary O’Mullan are not by this agreement tied or bound to build a house as the said Ferdora is to do, […] within […] years next coming to repair the house […] and make a loft and chimneys after […], and further it is hereby declared and […] after the premises are conveyed by […] in pursuance of this agreement […] stated, assured, and conveyed by the said Shane O’Mullan, Donnachie O’Mullan, and Mary O’Mullan […] survivors or survivors of them or the heirs of […] them according to the true intent and […] the last will and testament of the said Owen […] Oge O’Mullan, bearing date the seven and […] day of September 1638. In witness whereof the said commissioners and the said Shane O’Mullan, Donnachie O’Mullan, and Mary O’Mullan have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:
Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 Shane O’Mullan The mark of Donnachie O’Mullan. The mark of Mary O’Mullan.
The […]th day of August, the aforesaid commissioners for and on his Majesty’s behalf by virtue of the said commission, and Hugh Thompson, one of the Aldermen of the late city of Londonderry, do conclude and agree that the said Hugh Thompson, his heirs and successors, shall have and hold forever all those two townlands commonly called or known by the name of the two Gortagerties [Gortagherty Lower] […] or by whatsoever other name or names the same or any of them be called or known, and all houses, edifices, and buildings thereupon, all which premises […] called Ballyshasky, and […] late parcel […] of Manus O’Cahan, esquire, deceased, and […] parish of Faughanvale within the late county of Londonderry, […] or late Manor of Grocers in the […]. And also all ways and passages to the aforesaid premises or any part thereof belonging or therewith enjoyed. The same premises to be holden of his Majesty, his heirs and successors as of such manor as his Majesty shall erect, create, or make of or within the aforesaid Proportion called the Grocers’ Proportion, with and under such and the like exceptions, and for and under the yearly rent of fifty three shillings and four pence sterling payable in such manner and at such days and times and suit at court and mill in the said Proportion, and with, upon, and under the like further reservations, liberties, powers, tenures, services, covenants, and agreements as in the aforesaid agreement made by the said commissioners and Tristram Beresford, the younger, esquire, beforenamed are contained. In witness whereof the said commissioners and the said Hugh Thompson have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:
Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 Hugh Thompson
liii s. iiii d. one house one musket