Ironmongers’ Proportion
Folio L7v (change)
keep and maintain well and sufficiently fenced ditched inclosed and quicksetted during the said terme and shall yearly during the said term set and plant upon some part of the af oresaid premises fourty y oung trees of oak or ash fit or likely to grow to be timber trees and the s ame or others to be set and planted in the rooms and steads of such of them as shall happen to d ie shall mainteyne p reserve and keep from hurt and spoil during the said terme and att his and their proper costs and chardges shall for the service of his ma[ies]tie his heires and successors keepe cle an and decent and well and sufficiently repaired scoured and amended from time to time d uring the said term six teen corsletts furnished and Eighteene musketts furnished and sixteene p ikes [...] and att the end or other determinac[i]on of the said terme shall leave and deliver the same upp att the said Castle or Capitall messuage to the use of his ma[ies]tie his heires and successors and that uppon reasonable request there shal[l] be allowed and sett out to the said George or his assignes from time to time during the said terme by the W oodward or some other Officer of his ma[ies]tie his heires and successors roughe timber for building the aforesaid houses soe to be built as aforesaid and houseboote in convenient places within the late countie of Londonderry to be spent uppon the p[re]misses and not elsewhere and that the said George and his assignes shall and may from time to time during the said terme have and take fireboote and hedgeboote to be taken in and uppon the roots trunckes and bodies of dead trees lyeing on the ground and not fitt for building, thor n bushes shreddings and lopps of trees and underwoods groweing uppon the p[re]misses if the same be there to be had the same to be spent uppon the p[re]misses and not otherwise and that the said George and his assignes shall yearly during the said terme of o ne and twenty yeares pay to one able and sufficient learned Minister w[hi]ch shall p[er]forme the office and duty of Curate and Minister in the parishe Churche of St. Mary Virgine in Ahgive aforesaid Twentie pounds sterling by fower usuall quarterly paim[en]ts yearly during the said terme and further that until his ma[ies]tie shal[l] be pleased to accept of a surrender or cause one l[ett]res patents under the great Seale of Ireland bearing date the Tenthe day of July in the tenthe yeare of his ma[ies]t[ie]s reigne and made to the said George Caning and his heires of the foresaid fferry and a faire and markett att Garvanghy aforesaid to be cancelled and made void that the said George and his assignes shal[l] be freed and dischardged of and from paim[en]t of Three pounds p[ar]cell of the foresaid yearly rent of one hundred ffifty and three pounds anie thing in these presents conteined to the contrary thereof in aniewise notwithstanding. And the said George and his assignes shall within three yeares now next coming fence inclose and incoppice with dikes and double quicksett tenn acres of Irishe measure of the woods and woodgrounds p[ar]cell of the foresaid p[re]misses and the same fences and inclosures shall well and sufficiently p[re]serve and keepe as Coppicewoods from hurt and spoile during the said terme and uppon every fell that shal[l] be made thereof shall new incopice the same after the manner and usage in England and shall allsoe p[re]serve and keepe upon everie acre of the foresaid woodground uppon everie felling and cutting of the said woods so to be incoppiced thirtie young storiers and thirtie standalls of oake and ashe fitt [and] likely to make timber trees. And that his ma[ies]tie wil[l] be gratiously pleased to ratifie and confirme this agreem[en]t by his L[ett]res patents under the great Seale of England and that the said George shall coven[a]nt and grannt thereby for him his heires executors administrators [and] assignes to performe what is hereby agreed on his part and the said George doth humbly desire his Majesty to be gratiously pleased to make and create the said late Mannor of Lizard and all the lands in the foresaid Proporc[i]on into a Mannor with a Court Baron the said Mannor to be called by such name as his ma[ies]tie shall thinke fitt and the said George and his assignes to have and keepe the said Court Barron by his or their sufficient Steward according to the lawes and customes of England, and have all the ffines issues amercements and profitts of the said Court during the said terme and make keepe and deliver the like booke of the said Court as of the said Court Leete except and always reserving unto his ma[ies]tie all the rents and reliefes of all and every the freeholders
To incopp ice ten acres
keep and maintain well and sufficiently fenced, ditched, enclosed, and quicksetted during the said term, and shall yearly during the said term set and plant upon some part of the aforesaid premises forty young trees of oak or ash fit or likely to grow to be timber trees, and the same or others to be set and planted in the rooms and steads of such of them as shall happen to die shall maintain, preserve, and keep from hurt and spoil during the said term, and at his and their proper costs and charges shall, for the service of his Majesty, his heirs and successors, keep clean and decent and well and sufficiently repaired, scoured, and amended from time to time during the said term, sixteen corslets furnished and eighteen muskets furnished and sixteen pikes […], and at the end or other determination of the said term shall leave and deliver the same up at the said castle or capital messuage to the use of his Majesty, his heirs and successors, and that upon reasonable request there shall be allowed and set out to the said George or his assigns, from time to time during the said term by the Woodward or some other Officer of his Majesty, his heirs and successors rough timber for building the aforesaid houses, so to be built as aforesaid, and houseboot in convenient places within the late county of Londonderry to be spent upon the premises and not elsewhere, and that the said George and his assigns shall and may, from time to time during the said term, have and take fireboot and hedgeboot to be taken in and upon the roots, trunks, and bodies of dead trees lying on the ground and not fit for building, thornbushes, shreddings and lopps of trees and underwood growing upon the premises if the same be there to be had, the same to be spent upon the premises and not otherwise, and that the said George and his assigns shall yearly during the said term of one and twenty years pay to one able and sufficient learned minister, which shall perform the office and duty of curate and minister in the parish church of St Mary the Virgin in Agivey aforesaid, twenty pounds sterling by four usual quarterly payments yearly during the said term, and further that until his Majesty shall be pleased to accept of a surrender or cause one letters patent under the Great Seal of Ireland bearing date the tenth day of July in the tenth year of his Majesty’s reign, and made to the said George Caning and his heirs of the foresaid ferry and a fair and market at Garvagh aforesaid to be cancelled and made void, that the said George and his assigns shall be freed and discharged of and from payment of three pounds parcel of the foresaid yearly rent of one hundred fifty and three pounds, any thing in these presents contained to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding. And the said George and his assigns shall, within three years now next coming, fence, enclose, and encoppice with dikes and double quicksett ten acres of Irish measure of the woods and woodgrounds parcel of the foresaid premises, and the same fences and enclosures shall well and sufficiently preserve and keep as coppicewoods from hurt and spoil during the said term, and upon every fell that shall be made thereof shall new encoppice the same after the manner and usage in England, and shall also preserve and keep upon every acre of the foresaid woodground upon every felling and cutting of the said woods so to be encoppiced, thirty young storiers and thirty standalls of oak and ash fit and likely to make timber trees. And that his Majesty will be graciously pleased to ratify and confirm this agreement by his letters patent under the Great Seal of England, and that the said George shall covenant and grant thereby for him, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns to perform what is hereby agreed on his part, and the said George doth humbly desire his Majesty to be graciously pleased to make and create the said late Manor of Lizard and all the lands in the foresaid Proportion into a manor with a court baron, the said manor to be called by such name as his Majesty shall think fit, and the said George and his assigns to have and keep the said court baron by his or their sufficient Steward according to the laws and customs of England, and have all the fines, issues, amerciaments, and profits of the said court during the said term, and make, keep, and deliver the like book of the said court as of the said court leet except and always reserving unto his Majesty all the rents and reliefs of all and every the freeholders
to encoppice ten acres.