The Great Parchment Book by numbers

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30 May 2016 was the third anniversary of the Great Parchment Book website. To mark this, we’re taking a look at the project through numbers, from the names in the surviving folios of the book itself to the visitors to the website with some interesting facts along the way.

1 Great Parchment Book of The Honourable The Irish Society

165 folios and fragments, stored in 30 bespoke boxes (originally 16)

11 Great Twelve livery companies’ holdings recorded (should be 12, but the Merchant Taylors’ portion is missing)

1095 personal names indexed on the website including variations in spelling

992 place names indexed also including variations

49 occupations and titles recorded such as barber-surgeon, fellmonger, muster master and winecowper

120 entries in the glossary including occupations and titles, but also terms such as ballibetaghcreete, kill houserampierstandall and vayle.

Nearly 92,700 page views of Great Parchment Book website and blog to 30 May 2016

121 blog posts including this one

270,000 visitors to Plantation, People, Perspectives exhibition in Derry Guildhall in the first year (opened 30 May 2013) when an original folio of the Great Parchment Book was on display

Almost 960,000 visitors to the exhibition to 30 May 2016 (several times the population of Derry and nearly half the population of Northern Ireland)

20 project partners including 14 funders

4 awards, 3 shortlisted/finalist, 1 highly commended

1 inscription on UK Memory of the World Register (inscribed on 21 June 2016)

All summed up as 1 unique record of the 17th century Plantation of Ulster




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