Town of Coleraine
Folio B5v (change)
the said [...] In witnes whereof the said Commissioners and the said John Brown have sett to their hands the day and year abovewritten:
Raphe Whitfeld >Tho[mas] ffotherley 1639 The m[ar]ke of John Brown
Thomas Rowley
The said eighth day of July the aforesaid Commissioners for and on his Majesty’s behalfe by vertue of the said Commission and Thomas Rowley [...] Tanner doe conclude and agree that the said Thomas Rowley an d his assignes shall have and hold All that Messuage or tenem[en]t and backside and bu ildings thereuppon w[i]th th[e] appurten[a]nc[e]s in Colerane aforesaid and [...] of land and pasture w[i]th their appurten[a]nc[e]s conteining by estimation [...] and five acres Irish measure in Colerane aforesaid and one ot her messuage or tenem[en]t w[i]th a tann house neere the fferry key with th e appurtenances in Colerane aforesaid and one Cottage or tenement w[i]th th e appurtenances in Colerane aforesaid in the holding of James Lindman all w hich premises now are or late were in the tenure or occupac[i]on of Thomas [...] or his assignes w[i]th all waies and passages unto the p[re]misses or an y part thereof belonging or formerly enioyed therew[i]th w[i]th the like Excep tions and for the terme of one and twenty yeares from the ffeast of Phillip and Jacob now last past but for and under the yearly rent of Two and twenty pou unds sterling paiable in such maner and att such daies and tymes and with under and upon such further and the like Condic[i]on coven[a]nts and agreements as in the aforesaid agreement made by the said Commissioners and John Eaton beforenamed are conteined In witnes whereof the said Commissioners and the said Thomas Rowley have putt to their hands the day and yeare abovewritten:
Raphe Whitfeld Tho[mas] ffotherley 1639 The m[ar]ke of Thomas Rowley
One pike and Cor slet
The said eighth day of July the aforesaid Commissioners for and on his ma[ies]ties behalfe by vertue of the said Commission And Samson Brent of Colerane Lawyer doe conclude and agree that the said Samson Brent and his assignes shall have and hold one messuage or tenem[en]t garden and backside w[i]th th[e] appurten[a]nc[e]s in Colerane aforesaid now in the occupac[i]on of the said Sampson or his assignes and one close of land and pasture w[i]th the appurt[a]nenc[e]s in Colerane aforesaid and conteining by estimac[i]on tenn acres Irish measure heretofore in the occupac[i]on of Thomas Raven or his assignes and now or late in the occupac[i]on of Ranndall Younge or his assignes w[i]th all ways and passages unto the p[re]misses or any p[ar]t thereof belonging or formerly enjoyed therew[i]th w[i]th the like excepc[i]ons and for the terme of one and twenty yeares from the ffeast of Phillip and Jacob now last past, but for and under the yearly rent of ffower pounds and five shillings sterling payable in such maner and att such daies and tymes and with under [and] upon such further and the like condic[i]on coven[a]nts and agreements as in [th]e foresaid agreement made by the said Commissioners and Thomas Brotherton beforenamed are contained. In witness whereof the said Commissioners and the said Samson Brent have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:
Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 Samson Brent
iiii li. v s. Three Trees
the said […]. In witness whereof the said commissioners and the said John Brown have set to their hands the day and year abovewritten:
Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 John Brown
homas Rowley
The said eighth day of July, the aforesaid commissioners for and on his Majesty’s behalf by virtue of the said commission, and Thomas Rowley, […] tanner, do conclude and agree that the said Thomas Rowley and his assigns shall have and hold all that messuage or tenement and backside and buildings thereupon with the appurtenances in Coleraine aforesaid, and […] of land and pasture with their appurtenances containing by estimation […] and five acres Irish measure in Coleraine aforesaid, and one other messuage or tenement with a tan house near the ferry quay, with the appurtenances in Coleraine aforesaid, and one cottage or tenement with the appurtenances in Coleraine aforesaid in the holding of James Lindman, all which premises now are or late were in the tenure or occupation of Thomas […] or his assigns, with all ways and passages unto the premises or any part thereof belonging or formerly enjoyed therewith, with the like exceptions, and for the term of one and twenty years from the feast of Phillip and Jacob now last past, but for and under the yearly rent of two and twenty pouunds sterling payable in such manner and at such days and times and with, under, and upon such further and the like condition, covenants, and agreements as in the aforesaid agreement made by the said commissioners and John Eaton beforenamed are contained. In witness whereof the said commissioners and the said Thomas Rowley have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:
Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 Thomas Rowley
one pike and corslet
The said eighth day of July, the aforesaid commissioners for and on his Majesty’s behalf by virtue of the said commission, and Samson Brent of Coleraine, lawyer, do conclude and agree that the said Samson Brent and his assigns shall have and hold one messuage or tenement, garden, and backside with the appurtenances in Coleraine aforesaid, now in the occupation of the said Samson or his assigns, and one close of land and pasture with the appurtanences in Coleraine aforesaid and containing by estimation ten acres Irish measure, heretofore in the occupation of Thomas Raven or his assigns and now or late in the occupation of Randall Young or his assigns, with all ways and passages unto the premises or any part thereof belonging or formerly enjoyed therewith, with the like exceptions and for the term of one and twenty years from the feast of Phillip and Jacob now last past, but for and under the yearly rent of four pounds and five shillings sterling payable in such manner and at such days and times and with, under, and upon such further and the like condition, covenants, and agreements as in the foresaid agreement made by the said commissioners and Thomas Brotherton beforenamed are contained. In witnesss whereof the said commissioners and the said Samson Brent have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:
Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley Samson Brent
iiii pounds v shillings three trees