Drapers’ Proportion
Folio E6r (change)
names the same be called or knowne, and all barns stables outhowses and buildings orchards and gardens nowe in the occupac[i]on of the said Sir John and to the said Castle, Capitall Messuage or Mannor howse belonging and all those Townelands halfe Townelands and p[ar]cells of land called or knowne by the severall name or names of Mony More [...]arneny, Tullaghmeane, Tullaghgarre, Monnaghay Tunny More Ballygroby Drumbeaghe, Caltram, Ternebrachan Ternefesse Drumrott [...]aragree, Ballyfarleaghe, Annahawly Tullawny, Coulnesillagh Derry crumme the halfe of the Townelan ds Balligolatt Ballynnere Dunmurry, Dunlogan, Monagogee, Moy Wood [...] als[o] Cardese Ballymoyle, Lisnealbenagh, Carmayne, [...]lly Card[...] feild Gortennry, Crany Bracka, Derrynescallen Innyskern [...] Ballyloghan, Tyressen, Donagona als[o] Ballygonan als[o] [...] Moghe, and Cloghoge, Tawnaghmore and Nart and Donnabraggy and Lismoney with the appurten[an]c[e]s, All which p[re]misses con tain by estimac[i]on eight thousand and eight hundred acres Irish measure and are scituate lyinge and beinge in Desert Lynn, Desertmartin Killcranoghan, Ballyneskreene, Artra, Ardboe, Termoneeny Lessan or elsewhere in the late County of Londonderry aforesaid And allso all messuages houses, edifices and buildings upon the aforesaid p[re]misses And all Mills beinge upon the aforesaid premises and the watercourses, toll and moulture therewith enioyed or thereunto belonginge, And allso all wayfes and strays happening within the said late Mannor or Proporc[i]on And also all ways and passages to the aforesaid p[re]misses or any part thereof belonging or formerly enioyed therewith, And further that the said Sir John and his assignes shall have and hold and kee p one weekly market to be holden att the Towne of Monnymore in the said late county upon every Tewsday, And allso sixe yea rly fairs to be holden att the said Towne of MonnyMore the first of them upon the thirtieth day of October, the second of them upon the [...] day of May, the third of them up[p]on the third day of June the fourth of them up[p]on the second day of July the fifth of them upon the [...] day of August, and the sixth of them upon the twentieth day of September, And if it shall att any tyme happen the said day or days or any of them to fall or be up[p]on a Sunday that then the said ffayre or ffayres which shall soe happen to be kept and holden shall be kept and holden att the said Towne of Monneymore on the [...] then next followinge after such Thirtieth day of Octo ber [...] August or twentieth day of September respectively And several Courts of Pypowders in the said Markett and ffaires respect ively duringe the continuance of them and every of them and receive and take all and singuler tolls, p[er]quisits proffitts, com[m]odities emo luments liberties, freedomes, customes, Iurisdict[i]ons and preheminen ces whatsoever to the said ffayres Markett and Courts wh atsoever every or any of them belonginge or respectively apperteyninge Ex cepting and reservinge to his Ma[ies]ty his heyres and Succ essors
names the same be called or known, and all barns, stables, outhouses and buildings, orchards, and gardens, now in the occupation of the said Sir John and to the said castle, capital messuage, or manor house belonging, and all those townlands, half townlands, and parcels of land called or known by the several name or names of Moneymore, […]arneny, Tullaghmeane, Tullaghgarre, Moneyhaw, Tamnymore, Ballygruby, Drumbeaghe, Coltrim, Ternebrachan, Turnaface, Drumrot, […]aragree, Ballyforlea, Annahavil, Tullanee, Coolnasillagh, Derrycrummy, the half of the townlands Balligolatt, Ballynure, Dunmurry, Dunlogan, Moneyguiggy, Moy Wood […], also Carndaisy, Ballymoyle, Lisalbanagh, Carmean, […]lly, Card[…] feild, Gortennry, Granny, Brackagh Slieve Gallion, Durnascallon, Iniscarn, […], Ballyloughan, Terressan, Donagona, also Ballygonan, also […], Muff, and Cloghog, Tamnymore and Nart and Dunnabraggyand Lismoney, with the appurtenances. All which premises contain by estimation eight thousand and eight hundred acres Irish measure, and are situate lying and being in Desertlyn, Desertmartin, Kilcronaghan, Ballynascreen, Artrea, Ardboe, Termoneeny, Lissan, or elsewhere in the late county of Londonderry aforesaid. And also all messuages, houses, edifices, and buildings upon the aforesaid premises. And all mills being upon the aforesaid premises, and the watercourses, toll, and moulture therewith enjoyed or thereunto belonging. And also all waifs and strays happening within the said late manor or Proportion. And also all ways and passages to the aforesaid premises or any part thereof belonging or formerly enjoyed therewith. And further that the said Sir John and his assigns shall have and hold and keep one weekly market, to be holden at the town of Monnymore in the said late county upon every Tuesday. And also six yearly fairs to be holden at the said town of MonnyMore, the first of them upon the thirtieth day of October, the second of them upon the […] day of May, the third of them upon the third day of June, the fourth of them upon the second day of July, the fifth of them upon the […] day of August, and the sixth of them upon the twentieth day of September. And if it shall at any time happen the said day or days or any of them to fall or be upon a Sunday, that then the said fair or fairs which shall so happen to be kept and holden shall be kept and holden at the said town of Monneymore on the […] then next followinge after such thirtieth day of October […] August, or twentieth day of September respectively. And several courts of piepowder in the said market and fairs respectively during the continuance of them and every of them, and receive and take all and singuler tolls, perquisits profits, commodities, emoluments, liberties, freedoms, customs, jurisdictions, and preheminences whatsoever to the said fairs, market, and courts whatsoever every or any of them belonging or respectively appertaining. Excepting and reserving to his Majesty, his heirs and successors